News - Case Studies
Transportation Management The Complete Logistics Company provides inbound shipment control and routing compliance systems for several companies. Using our Oracle platform, CLC optimizes utilization of core carriers for its clients through the use of an automated routing matrix ensuring that the primary carrier is used for inbound shipments tendered by every supplier shipping product to their manufacturing and distribution locations. Driven by cost and service agreements between our clients and their preferred carriers, our routing system delivers a customized and optimized cost efficient routing which virtually eliminates misrouted shipments. This assures that excess inbound freight costs are avoided at a substantial savings to the client. CLC conducts a variety of monthly cost analyses and metrics reporting allowing us to measure performance and manage our processes more effectively. In addition, CLC is providing freight payment and audit services allowing us to retrieve and analyze payment data, develop “what if” scenarios and propose both tactical and strategic logistics alternatives that will add maximum value for our clients. CLC also offers this system as an enhanced web- based routing solution. At CLC we take a proactive approach to solving your transportation and distribution challenges. Warehouse Management CLC actively pursues and engages opportunities to provide logistics management solutions as part of our total menu of supply chain services. CLC integrated and deployed an outsourced warehouse and inventory management solution for a fortune 200 global adhesives manufacturer. Utilizing our highly adaptable Oracle interface, CLC maintains min/max inventory control services throughout a 12 contract warehouse network in the US and Canada. System wide inventory reductions have been achieved by increasing turn rate and minimizing carrying costs producing significant savings. CLC negotiates warehouse contracts and manages our client’s warehousing needs ensuring that products will be safely and cost effectively warehoused and delivered to their customers. The cost of developing an internal distribution network has been avoided at tremendous saving to our client. CLC’s customer service team diligently manages continuous process improvements involving product consolidation, direct shipment and cross dock applications resulting in additional distribution savings. This project has been extremely successful and has allowed CLC to begin providing local transportation management and freight payment services to this client. At CLC, our job is never finished. We constantly strive to deliver superior performance. Can we implement a supply chain solution for you? |